What happens when you skip a beat? You eventually become aware of missed time. Well it is ok for time to pass and to take time off every now and then.
What is Happening...
I have been trying to catch up on a few things. Finishing up a few projects. I have been buying Christmas and trying to get into the festive mood. It is hard this year. I am trying.
We finished up in our PQA for 2011 at the first of the month. We started at the first of the year with a 12 1/2" X 14 1/2" block. We passed it around and took turns adding a border. After 12 months I ended up with a HUGE quilt top. Here is my finished quilt.
I received two sets of flowers this month. I think there might have been a mess up in the list. I feel bad that I got twice as many flowers as I was supposed to get. I am going to make one flower for each of the ladies then sent flowers to me this month.
From Doris
From Irene
Look how she added pictures of the hexies to the card she sent. How cool!
Wendy made a block for me back in September for Let's Bee Together but forgot to send me back my extra fabric. I emailed her and she sent it to me with a little extra goodie!! Thank you Wendy!
What I Accomplished...
I am making cute little wallets for a few of my nieces and nephews this year for Christmas. I am using the Zippy Wallet Tutorial and the Basic Boys Wallet Tutorial from Noodlehead. I love her tutorials. So fun. Here is my first girls wallet. Trying to get the feel for them before I start making them as gifts. The flap is a little off center but I love it.
I made my flowers for December for my partner. I hope she likes them. I love the look of them, so soft.
As far as my list for this week...
1. Make thank you hexies for Doris and Irene.
2. Make 6 girl wallets and 5 boy wallets.
3. Start on PJ bottoms for my daughters.
That is all I am listing for now. I will see how far I get.