Hop on over to Stray Stitches. She is having a give away that will run until Jan 9. She is giving away a pattern and 7 1/8 yards of fabric. Very nice.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Be Mine Blog Tour

Saturday, December 25, 2010
It is funny!
It is so funny. As I made my goals list for the November/December Charming Girls Quilt Club I KNEW that I was over stretching myself but I posted it anyway. Big plans big dreams! Well of course I fell flat. I did get a few things done but nothing like the list I had planned. I am going to post the ones I got done and feel are fair finishes. Here there are:
Done~October Saturday Sampler~The Black and White Garden BOM
Done~October Saturday Sampler~The Black and White Garden BOM
Done~November Saturday Sampler~The Black and White Garden BOM
Done~Secret Santa Christmas Swap
Done~Le Petite for November-Butterchurn by This & That by Sherri Falls
Done~Make 12 ornaments for swap
I do not have a picture of all 12 of them together but this one is mine.
So for Charming Girls Quilt Club I am only counting 5 finishes out of 28. Next set of goals will be much smaller. Well I am going to wrap up the first 6 months of blogging and get ready for a new full year. I am making a few blog changes. Trying to make it reflect a little more of myself. Have a good night.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas to everybody!!
Well that time of year is here again. Somehow it feels different. I am not sure that I like the way it feels. But I wanted to tell everybody thank you for welcoming me into this blogging world. I have had so much fun reading other's ideas and trying new things. I have always wanted to have a passion for something I can make with my hands and quilting is IT! Here is a picture of the snow at my house. I loved this picture and thought I would share it with you.
Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Things I have won...
Well I have been bad. I have won some stuff but have not blogged about any of it. I am going to take the next few days and blog about them all individually but for right now I will post some pictures. I need to thank everybody for all that I have received over the last few months.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Secret Santa Christmas Swap
I can finally show what I made for my Secret Santa Christmas Swap partner. I messed up and contacted her to introduce myself. She was nice enough not to respond. LOL! My partner was Sharon at Vroomans Quilts. So because I messed up I could not post pictures. I am a bit behind. So when read that she as gotten her gift I can now post some pictures but when I went to look for them I can't find them. I am so sad. Go to her post and check it out. I sent her some candy, a cross stitch and a wall hanging. I loved making it. I use the pattern from http://appleavenuequilts.blogspot.com/ . What a fun pattern. I had never done Dresden Plates.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Holly Jolly Blog Bingo 2010
How fun is this!! Over at In Stitches they are having a Blog Bingo. You get to choose 25 words from a list. You email them the words and some personal information. Every day starting the 10th they will list 7 words, they will keep going until someone post BINGO! Also they will have a daily drawing until someone wins. Go check it out.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Secret Santa Christmas Swap
Well I am a bit late but I have dropped it into the mail. We just had a snow storm come through that dumped 12 inches. Not a usual occurrence for us. So the mail might travel a little slow until it gets out of Idaho. Swap partner, it is on its way!!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Le Petite~This & That ~Butter Churn~
I love/hated doing this pattern. I loved it because it was so cute. I love all the little pieces. I love the many different ways that you can turn this little wall hanging into something that you like. I loved that it was small.
I hated the beige fabric I picked. It was like a prom fabric. It was with all the Kona solids but this has a different feeling to it. It is a little slippery. I think some of even shrunk when I ironed it. It must have had polyester in it. I hated that I waited so long to do it because it really did not take that long to finish it.
I used a Kona Beige color ( I do not remember now what it was called). I used charms out of 2 Charm Packs of Happy Daisy by Urban Chiks for Moda bought at Quilt Taffy. Thank you ladies! I hope that a top will qualify it a finished. I will not be able to do anything else to it tonight. I have an Ornament Swap Party to go to.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I entered into a Swap and a Bee!!
How cool is that. I have wanted to join one of these for a long time. There are two new ones starting at the beginning of the year.
Click on the pictures and it will take you to the blogs so you can sign up if you want. It will be fun.
Click on the pictures and it will take you to the blogs so you can sign up if you want. It will be fun.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
One Thing One Week Challenge
My goal for this challenge will be to finish my family Christmas gifts. I have 9 to finish. They are a stitchery. I need to finish them and get them into frames. I am hoping that this is a goal I can achieve. I really want to get this crossed off my list.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I WON!!!
Thank you!! I am so excited. I stopped by The Quilt Makers Blog to check things out for the 100 Blocks Blog Tour and I won a magazine. Did I say that I was so excited!!!!! Thank you!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
100 Blocks Blog Tour
Go check it out!! They are having surprise winners. I would like to get this magazine, 100 Blocks, what a great thing to have!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Charming Girls' Quilt Club Nov/Dec Goals
I spent the afternoon going over the things I want to get done these next few months. I would like to get to the point that I am only working on things I love. I have a few quilt alongs, a few BOMs, and a few finishes. I will be listing a lot of things and we will see how many I can get done. LOL
1. Oct and Nov blocks for Saturday Sampler-The Black and White Garden
2. Block 6 Designer Mystery BOM by Fat Quarterly
3. Aug, Sept, and Oct blocks for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
4. Cut pieces and start top for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
5. Make a lunch bag for a neices' birthday using the tutorial by Pink Penquin
6. Make a gift for Secret Santa Christmas Swap
7. Finish pumpkin table runner
8. Finish Frosty Flakes Quilt by As Sweet as Cinnamon
9. Block 3 Flowers of Love by Designs by Fee
10. Le Petite for November-Butterchrun by Sherri Falls
11. 2 Halloween wall hangings (I know it is not Halloween any more but I want them done for next year.)
12. Quilts for Kids made from their kit
13. Quilts for Kids made from my fabric
14. Start family Christmas wall hanging gift
15. Make 12 ornaments for Swap
16. Make top for That girl...That quilt Quilt Along
1. Dec block for Saturday Sampler-The Black and White Garden
2. Block 7 Designer Mystery BOM by Fat Quarterly
3. Nov and Dec blocks for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
4. Finish Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
5. Block 4 Flowers of Love by Designs by Fee
6. Le Petite for December (?)
7. Sandwich, quilt, and Bind Fat Quarterly Quilt Along
8. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Simpler Sampler Quilt Along
9. Try a Quilt as You Go Christmas stocking
10. Finish family Christmas wall hangings gifts
11. Finish can-lid name ornaments
12 Finish quilt for That girl...That quilt Quilt Along
1. Oct and Nov blocks for Saturday Sampler-The Black and White Garden
2. Block 6 Designer Mystery BOM by Fat Quarterly
3. Aug, Sept, and Oct blocks for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
4. Cut pieces and start top for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
5. Make a lunch bag for a neices' birthday using the tutorial by Pink Penquin
6. Make a gift for Secret Santa Christmas Swap
7. Finish pumpkin table runner
8. Finish Frosty Flakes Quilt by As Sweet as Cinnamon
9. Block 3 Flowers of Love by Designs by Fee
10. Le Petite for November-Butterchrun by Sherri Falls
11. 2 Halloween wall hangings (I know it is not Halloween any more but I want them done for next year.)
12. Quilts for Kids made from their kit
13. Quilts for Kids made from my fabric
14. Start family Christmas wall hanging gift
15. Make 12 ornaments for Swap
16. Make top for That girl...That quilt Quilt Along
1. Dec block for Saturday Sampler-The Black and White Garden
2. Block 7 Designer Mystery BOM by Fat Quarterly
3. Nov and Dec blocks for Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
4. Finish Snowbound by Bunny Hill Designs
5. Block 4 Flowers of Love by Designs by Fee
6. Le Petite for December (?)
7. Sandwich, quilt, and Bind Fat Quarterly Quilt Along
8. Sandwich, quilt, and bind Simpler Sampler Quilt Along
9. Try a Quilt as You Go Christmas stocking
10. Finish family Christmas wall hangings gifts
11. Finish can-lid name ornaments
12 Finish quilt for That girl...That quilt Quilt Along
Well I can't leave without a picture so here is one of my husband and me on one of our motorcycle trips last year. We went to The Crater's of the Moon near Twin Falls Idaho. Loved that trip.
This next one was taken on our way to Lincoln City Oregon. It was our 20th wedding anniversary trip. We did not take the motorcycle. It was a wonderful trip. I can't believe that we have been married for 20 years.
Thank you for stopping by.
Edited to add links and 1 correction.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Le Petite~Schnibbles Paganini
I say "I love" too much. Can I say it again. I love this fabric. It is Awesome by Sandy Garvais for Moda. I added in a bit of this and that to add up to the number of squares I was missing. his (for now) will be my favorite Fall quilt. I LOVE IT!! The quilt moves. One minute I see X and O's. Next I see squares that all the sides touch. Then squares with plus signs in them. I hope you like it as much as I do. Happy Halloween.
2010 Designer Mystery Block of the Month Block 5
I love doing these! The fabric is so fun. Fat Quarter Shop is doing a BOM. It uses 12 Days of Christmas by Kate Spain for Moda. I messed it up but I did not see it until I was finished. I am just leaving it.
Flowers of Love by Fee Block 1 & 2
I love the blog Designs by Fee. She has such a wonderful blog. She is doing a Block of the Month called Flowers of Love. It will run for 10 months. I have finally Finished blocks one and two.
Block 1
Block 2
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Frosty Flakes Finishes
Dawn over at As Sweet as Cinnamon started a BOM back at the beginning of August. I love snowflakes. I love 12 Days of Christmas by Kate Spain for Moda. So when she came out with this idea I was in love. I have all the blocks finished. Next I need to follow her instructions for the finish of the quilt. I hope you like all the blocks.
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 8
Block 9
It was a couples of firsts for me. My first hexies and first beads and sewing. I loved doing it. Thank you Dawn. Now onto the finishing instructions.
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4
Block 5
Block 6
Block 7
Block 8
Block 9
It was a couples of firsts for me. My first hexies and first beads and sewing. I loved doing it. Thank you Dawn. Now onto the finishing instructions.
My Animals
I thought I would add a few pictures of a few of my pets. The orange is a female named Polly. She is a stray. The gray one is a male named Spike. He was a kitten from a friends litter. They love each other. We got them both about the same time. Aren't they cute!
This is Peso. Another charity case. The own was going to do the same and take him to the pound and we took him. He has become my YDD dog. He is a very over weight Chihuahua. Since this picture he got even bigger now he is on a diet and losing lots of weight.
The only pet not pictured is our 10 year old cat. I will get her next time.
Baby Quilt for a friend
My sister-in-law's sister had a baby shower last Saturday. So in normal Shannon fashion I waited until Thursday to figure out what I was making her. LOL! I decided on a Sudoku Pattern. I read about it on a blog but I don't remember which one. I LOVE IT! The top came together really quick. I worked on it a little bit Thursday, Friday and I was only was 45 minutes late to the baby shower. I got all of it done but washing and drying. I used three shades of brown, green, and blue. The babies room is in a safari theme. She had is crib blanket out when I got to her house. This quilt matches so wonderfully.
I only had a few puckers. I hope that it turns out ok when she washes it. I think it is time to try the spray basting. I hate pinning!
Here is the label. I have decided now to sew the label into the backing and then quilt it. This way it is part of the quilt.
Here is the label. I have decided now to sew the label into the backing and then quilt it. This way it is part of the quilt.
As soon as the little one is here and in his blanket I will post a picture.
Brown Bag Quilt Contest-Finished!
So as a recap...He are the fabrics I got from Debbie. She sent me 9 fat quarters of some very fun fabrics.I decided not to use the bright green with the "circus" theme.
This is my favorite block. What more could a girl want, shoes, hand bags, friends, and girl power. LOL!
Next is the primadonna block. High class. Royalty expensive glasses, hand bags, shoes, jewelry.
Good food and love. I have never had sushi before but I have heard some people love it.
This is a fun one. Candies and phones.
Here is the back. I used every usable piece of fabric. All the extras I made into the back. I used even the smallest pieces as a frame for the label. That was fun to make. I quilted it with a straight lines a 1/4 inch from all the sewn edges. That took a while but I love the way it looks.
This is my favorite block. What more could a girl want, shoes, hand bags, friends, and girl power. LOL!
Next is the primadonna block. High class. Royalty expensive glasses, hand bags, shoes, jewelry.
Good food and love. I have never had sushi before but I have heard some people love it.
This is a fun one. Candies and phones.
Here is the back. I used every usable piece of fabric. All the extras I made into the back. I used even the smallest pieces as a frame for the label. That was fun to make. I quilted it with a straight lines a 1/4 inch from all the sewn edges. That took a while but I love the way it looks.
Here is the label up close. I had so much fun making this quilt. Thank you Debbie!! I appliqued on one of the little girls onto the label. Isn't she so cute.
Well here it is all quilted and bound. Thank you for this chance to work with some "ugly" fabric. I can't wait to do another one.
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