So after a very busy 7 weeks plus two weeks of just relaxing I finally feel like myself again. I have had so many things back to back that I just kept trucking with my mind set on the next big thing. What needed to be planned next, what was my part in those plans, what were the deadlines. Finally from now until the middle of September I can just roll with the small bunches and enjoy the summer. There is only a few birthday parties that I am not in charge of, one holiday, 4th of July, and a few small town quilt shows to go to. I can handle this.
Here are a few pictures to show what I have been up to!
Old Fort Boise Days is our small communities summer celebration. It was so fun! Here is our float we put into the parade. You can see my daughter and a niece. All of the quilts you see are mine. The one standing up is the quilt we raffled and the quilt show. We made about $75.00 on it.
The PQA Quilt Show went so well. We had 67 quilts. For our first quilt show that makes me so happy!! Here are a few pictures of some of the quilts we had and some of the fun ways we hung them.
One of the things we had was some art made out of just a piece of fabric wrapped around a board. It is a cool way to show off beautiful fabric!!
I also made two wedding cakes. One cake for practice and let me tell you my family and extended family was very happy!! Yummy cake!
Then I made second on for them for the wedding. HA HA on the day we were setting up for the quilt show! What a busy day that was. Here is the cute couple. I made a very small cake for them to cut up and feed to each other.
At my church we just had a craft night. A very large group of ladies got together to make a bunch of fun seasonal crafts. I was in charge of making quilt tops that we could tie. I was able to bring 5 and we tied 3. I still need to bind them. (sorry the colors are off a little but I will take better pictures when they are done)
THEN...We got a new kitten. My husband found it at work and was afraid it was going to be killed with all of the big equipment moving around there. So we went and picked it up. She was about 3 weeks old. We had to bottle feed her. now she is all grown up and feisty!! But she fits our family and we love her!
Now just a fun picture of me. I love that I am able to do what I have done. Now time to get back to quilting for me.