Showing posts with label Traveling Stash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Traveling Stash. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Manic Monday and Traveling Stash Winner

I have not gotten anything done this last little bit. I have been focusing on family. We had a great 4th of July. Went to three different events on the 4th. Wow so much was going on. 

Below is my Grandfather holding my Granddaughter with her mommy's help. What a sweet moment. I love generational pictures like that.
 We had our own little firework display.

Then on the 9th my Sister-in-law had her baby. She is the little sister to the little boy I was watching this last school year. I will not have to watch them this fall. Their mom has decided to take some time off. 
 Here is my husband holding the new addition to our family while also holding our Granddaughter. The new is as big as the two month old.

Now on to other news. I had only two people enter the drawing for the Traveling Stash give away. It was Susan from suemacseeds. As soon as I get her address I will be going to the mail box to mail off all four boxes. The Traveling Stash box. Then the three boxes for my Anniversary give away. I hope you ladies enjoy your goodies.

Over at Quilting Gallery Michele is hosting a Coaster Swap. I have joined up. These are so cute. 

Over at Sew We Quilt I have joined up to be a part on a new blog hop. Be a Hexie Queen. I can't wait to get start on my project.

 As for me my day will be about finishing the quilting on my strip quilt. Then just resting and laundry. I hope your day is filled with blessings. 


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Traveling Stash Give Away

Time for my give away of this great box!! This is all the great stuff that came in the box. Lots of fun fabric and goodies.
Tons of patterns.
This is what I took.
 This is what I added.
 Here is the box. Already packed just waiting to come to your house. 

These Traveling Stash boxes are so great. You get to take things you didn't even know you needed, LOL! Plus you get to add things you do not need anymore. I hope that we all can jump on this band wagon and help keep these boxes moving. Don't forget to go to Katie's blog to keep up on here the boxes are and when you can enter a drawing to win one.

Here is some fine print:

Rules and Guidelines 

  • Be an active blogger -- post about receiving the box and the giveaway in a timely manner 
  • Update the travel log in the box to let others know where the box has been.
  • There is a list of rules and guidelines in the box -- be sure to follow these to keep the box full of quality items and the experience positive for everyone. 
  • You may take any items from the box just be sure that you are replacing them with quality and comparable items. (Guidelines for fabric below) 
  • Ship box to the next person timely -- and communicate tracking information with recipient.
  • Shipping is within the US only  

The give away will start tonight and run until Monday July 15. Sometime that afternoon I will pick one winner and ship that box to them that day. So follow the rules and enter to win this cool box of goodies!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Traveling Stash Update

Do you remember the Traveling Stash? I had stopped swapping them due to financial reasons but recently had been thinking about them again. I visited a friends blog today and she had posted how the participation has been kind of dwindling out. I feel bad. For a long time you could hardly get your hands on one. So please join me in getting these boxes of goodies flying around the US again. On my side bar is the link to the blog of the gal taking care of tracking where all of these boxes are. Please take a minute to go visit the blogs offering up a chance to win a box and lets help each other out. You might find something fun and might be able to pass some kind of treasure on to someone else. 


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Traveling Stash, Fabric and Flowers

 The Traveling Stash is wrapped up and ready to go. I picked out a total of 3 1/2 yards. The following pictures are things I put back in.
 (sorry for the blurry picture, I think you get the idea though)

This picture is of the fabric from Let's Bee Together. Such pretty batiks. 

I received these Hexies to replace some missing ones. Thank you Quiltjane!! I love them!!
 This is the fun card that came with my flowers, totally summer!!


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Traveling Stash Winner!

Well it is time to announce the winner of the Traveling Stash! I did not have very many people sign up. I did get two new followers though. Thank you for following me. I love that.
 Sorry for the blurry picture, as you can tell the sun is shining outside behind me. 
Thank you Kristy for hopping over and for becoming a new follower. Stop by her blog sometimes!! Kristy I will get it ready and get it out to you soon. 

Now for a warning! Be very careful when clipping your pets nails. I clipped at the same time he move, just about cut the tip of is toe off. He bleed and bleed. We got it stopped but each time he started to play it would start up again. I bandaged it twice. Finally I made him a sock out of a washrag. I am worried about tonight that he will cause it to bleed while we are sleeping. I don't want to take him to a vet to cauterize it. It would hurt but it would cost way to much. We will see how tonight goes.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Schnibbles and A Traveling Stash Give Away!

It is that time again, the last day of the month! And I finished my Schnibble!! I am so happy. I decided to do the 49 patch. You know, if I have options I usually go for the hardest one. I know silly me. I had a Honey Bun of Arcadia that I won a while back. I figured that a honey bun was 1.5" wide and the pieces I need are 1.5" wide I would be set. Well...the strips are just over 1.5" wide so my quilt is not a square it is a rectangle. The blocks were to be 7.5" by 7.5" but ended up 7.5" by 8". Lesson learned. Sorry about pics still using the camera on my phone.

Now time for the give away!! The Traveling Stash give away. The reason it took so long, FAMILY, enough said. The following pictures are what I pulled out of the box.

The following pictures are what I took. I will figure out measurements and replace with fabric from my stash. I will add pictures later. Aren't these little girls so cute!!
 How about some fun 30s fabrics.
 I am not sure of who designed these next two sets but I love both of them.

 Now don't forget to hope over to the Sewingly Along, Cherise, keeps track of all of it. 

Now the rules...
1. Be an active blogger. Post about receiving the box and the giveaway on your blog in a timely manner.
2. There's a note in the box that logs where the box has been. Please add your info and place the note back in the box.
3. There's a list of Rules and Guidelines in the box. Please read and follow these and return the list to the box.
4. You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.
5. Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.
6. Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA.

1. Leave a comment on this post about why you want to win this Traveling Stash Box. 

I usually don't do this but...
2. For a second chance, you can follow my blog, add a second comment that you have. (You do not have to do this step but I would love you have you stop by if you want to)

I will end this give away on July 7th. I will draw a name that night before I go to bed. Also remember no reply bloggers will be deleted. Good luck!!


Monday, November 28, 2011

Maniac Monday #9

I hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. We had a great time. Three turkey dinners and a wonderful smoked turkey noodle soup I made for my family. We played games, talked, took pictures, ate just enough, had pie for breakfast, slept in, stayed up late, watched movies. It was a fun time. Now back to the daily grind.

I took last week off from blogging and even thinking about my blog. I kept up on some reading but I am a few days behind. I hope I have not missed to much. I did get a few things done but on Friday my machine got moved and has not been put back together.

I am going to keep my list from two weeks ago pretty much the same. I have a few days to finish two of my biggest goals so that will be all I am working on until Thursday.

1. Do my flowers for The Inchy Hexagon Flower Swap.~Done

2. Make/buy gifties X 3 for my Santa Sack Swap2 partner.
I have made one giftie. Of course no pictures, LOL! I will be working on the other two over the next few days.
3. Make/buy gifties X 12 plus white elephant gift for Parma Quilters Anonymous gift exchange.
I have one gift made and I am working on a few others. I have ideas for the others. Now I just need to finish this as well over the next few days.
4. Rip/cut sheets into fat quarters.
I have not done this one yet.
5. Finish wall hanging for Jayden.
Little guy is coming today so I need to finish this. Hopefully he will be home by Tuesday evening if everything goes well.
6. Make matching receiving blankets and burp cloths.
Same as above!
After I finish all of this then it is time to to think about Christmas gifts. Thankfully I have trimmed the list down to just about nothing. It will be just a bunch of small things.

The Traveling Stash box I sent to Jessica has been received and now she is having her give away, go check it out at Quilty Habit Traveling Stash Give Away.


Saturday, November 19, 2011

More on the Traveling Stash and Flowers

I am so happy with everybody that signed up to be a part of the Traveling Stash. I got it mailed off yesterday. Jessica it is on it's way to you. I read that Staci over at the confused quilter is splitting the box. How fun. More love!! You still have time to enter. She is leaving the give away open until Monday.

I mailed off my flowers to my partner for The Inchy Hexagon Flower Swap yesterday. I loved how these turned out. I wish I had used a denser yellow. I hope she likes them.

I hope you all have a good night and relaxing Sunday. See you on Monday!


Friday, November 18, 2011

Traveling Stash~WINNER!~

I had many wonderful ladies stop by to enter the Traveling Stash give away. I am sorry that only one person could win. I would love to send about 10 of these out.

I want you to meet the winner...

Please hop over to her blog and check her out. She is a college student and fiance. She is excited about getting close to graduating. She has some wonderful ideas and make great quilts. She even has her own little shop now, Purple Strawberry Handmade.

Thank you to everyone. It was nice to meet new people and see some great friends. I will be having another give away soon I hope. I am at 94 followers. When I reach 100 I will have to give some fun stuff to someone.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Other Traveling Stash

Staci over at the confused quilter is having a give away for the other Traveling Stash box. The give away goes until Monday November 21st. Hope over to here blog and sign up over there also. How fun two chances to win two different boxes!!

Here is a picture from her blog. These are some of the items in that box.