I am feeling better and feel like getting back to the real world. I hope it lasts. On my last blood work my liver functions had come back down. The doctor feels that with taking this new medication that my liver is going to run at a "new" normal. So we are just going to stay were we are on meds and see how long this good ride lasts. I have been doing some sewing but mostly I am just enjoying time with my oldest daughter while she is home from collage. She has decided to stay home this next semester and do her classes on line so I am hoping that I can get back to my sewing room on a more regular bases now that she will be busy with school work. HA HA
These are the flowers I got from my partner for March. They are so pretty. She also sent a cool tiny little hexie key fob. It is perfect.You can see how tiny it is.

I have been working on one of my Schnibble quilts. My daughter had made a back for one of her quilts, well a wall hanging with no batting, and when she put them together you could see the print from the front. So I took that back, matched it to a Schnibble and started quilting it. I ran out of thread so I had to stop but now I have what I need and I can finish it today.