So much time has gone by. I have gone through my first semester of college. I aced both classes. My second semester starts tomorrow and goes until April. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I will be taking a math class and it has been years since I had to do any serious math. I have not been able to sew much with all of the homework. I am going to make time this semester, I miss sewing. I did sew one quilt. I made a quilt for the fire department that my dad used to volunteer for. I made a rail fence in shades of brown. So I named it "Dirty Fence". It will be used as a raffle quilt. I will not know until about July how much this quilt raises for them. I'm excited!
My second grand daughter was born September 5th of last year. She is so sweet!! They named her Lillian. We are so happy to have her in our family.
Here I am holder her right after she was born.
Here she is with her daddy, my son, and her big sister, Abby.
Here she is about a month ago. I know she looks like she is cross-eyed, she is not. HA HA She is just focusing on my shirt.
I hope that everybody had a great Christmas and I hope that everybody's New Year is fabulous!!